Reservation Screen Icons

The Reservation Screen provides central management of individual reservations and their guests in RMS. Fields displayed on the reservation screen can be customized by using the Field Maintenance feature. Additional tabs will display depending on the setup and modules used in RMS. Guest Details, Reservation Details and the Reservation Account are all visible on the main Reservation Screen as well as a series of icons in the toolbar and on the side panel for managing the reservations day to day.


The Reservation Screen Video

Visit the RMS Youtube Channel for more videos on using RMS.


Guest Details Icons

Guest Details Icon Description
CC Token
Manage Credit Card Tokens or Vault Tokens for the Guest.
Guest Account
Access the Guest Account.
Guest Options
Replace the Guest on the Reservation, access Membership options or save changes made in the Guest Details.


Reservation Details Icons 

Toolbar Icon Description
Change Status
Change the status of a reservation to Quote, Unconfirmed, Confirmed, Cancelled or No Show.
Change the reservation status to 'Arrived'.
Change the reservation status to 'Departed'.
Only appears on reservations in 'Arrived' status.
Display Options
Customize the view size of fields and if the Notes & Requirements sections should default open, closed or only open if records exist.
CC Pre Auth
Create a CC Pre Auth Token using the configured Payment Gateway.
Requires Sales Lead Management.
Create a Job for the Area or an Asset when using Asset Maintenance.
Registration Card
Print a paper registration card or initiate the Digital Registration Card for this reservation.
Copy Reservation
Create a duplicate of this reservation.
Save the changes made to this reservation.
Save the changes made to this reservation and leave the Reservation Screen.
Leave the Reservation Screen without saving.
Revert Reservation
Change an 'Arrived' reservation back to Unconfirmed or Confirmed status if checked-in mistakenly.
Change a reservation in 'Departed' status back to 'Unconfirmed'.
Can be used to cycle through reservation statuses if a mistaken action has been taken.

Cut or program keys for the reservation when using to Door Locks module in RMS.

Special Events
View Special Event dates for a 14 day period across the reservation stay dates.

Add Area
Convert a single reservation into a Group Reservation or increase the number of Areas booked on the Group Reservation.


Account Details Icons

Account Details Icon Description
Reservation Accounts
Open the primary reservation account or hover to view all account balances and access any account on the Reservation.
Bill To
Change the party responsible for charges on the reservation accounts.
Record a payment without opening the account.


Side Panel Icons

Side Panel Icon Description
The primary reservation view with Guest Details, Reservation Details & Reservation Account.
Manage the Areas booked 
 Key Cutting.
Manage the Guest Profiles on the reservation. 
Set the Primary Guest or add Secondary Guests.
Log individual Guest Movements or manage the Guest Profile.
View the history of correspondence sent including read receipts.
Send SMS or Email, Add Notes, Record Received In or Add Reservation Messages.
View and manage Housekeeping Tasks and Linen requirements.
Add Notes for the Housekeepers.
Rego/Access Numbers
Display is optional.
View and manage car registration details and Boomgate Access Numbers for guests on this reservation.
View and manage Requirements on this reservation.
Audit Trail
View the change log for this reservation.
Charge Redirection
Redirect charges for this reservation to a different Guest or Reservation Account in RMS.
Split Rate
Set the share of the Total Rate each Guest on this reservation is responsible for.
Add Ons
View and manage Add Ons for this reservation.
View and manage Transfers for guests on this reservation.
Repeat Reservation
View and manage recurring instances of this reservation (repeats) in RMS.
Display is optional.
Record payments taken in foreign currency and issue Exchange Certificates for exchanging currencies.
Display is optional.
View and manage Holds placed on this reservation for set dates.

Holds are used for FIFO (Fly in, Fly out) or other operations where an Area remains assigned to a person or persons and they go off site for lengths of time.
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