Show Projected Balance

Show Projected Balance is an Accounting Option that will include a projection of the Reservation Account Balance on the Reservation Screen and the In/Out Movements screen. The projected balance includes the Total Rate, Requirements, Add Ons and Transfers in addition to any Receipts or Credit Notes on the Reservation Account. 

The Projected Balance will match the Proforma Tax Invoice.
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Enabling Projected Balance

  1. Go to Setup > Accounting > Accounting Options in the side menu.

  2. Select a Property.

  3. Navigate to the 'Account Screen' menu.

  4. Select the 'Show Projected Balance' checkbox.

  5. Save/Exit.


Log out of RMS for the change to be reflected. 


  6. The Projected Balance will display in parentheses next to the current Account Balance on each Account Type. Balance2.png

Projected Balance can be used to default the Receipt Amount on the Guest Portal to receive payment prior to any of the charges being created on the Reservation Account.
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