VIP Code

VIP codes are used to identify special guests that frequent your property. A VIP code is saved against the Guest Profile and will be visible on the In/Out Movements screen, the Birthday Anniversary Report, and counted in the 'VIP Guests' section of the Flash Report.

VIP Code is a lookup table which is a user created list that is used to record and report additional information for reservations.

Creating VIP Codes

  1. Navigate to Setup > Lookup Tables > VIP Codes.
  2. Select the 'Add' icon. Add1.png
  3. Enter the VIP Code Description.
  4. Enter a Short Description.
  5. Enter a VIP Code.
  6. Select the 'Save & Exit' icon. Add2.png
  7. Select 'Include' to allow VIP code access to all existing security profiles or 'Exclude' to prevent VIP code access to existing security profiles.
  8. Choose the 'Apply/Exit' icon.  Add3.png

If you chose 'include', the VIP code will now be available for selection on the guest profile. Repeat these steps until all VIP codes have been configured.

Assigning VIP Codes

Important Information!

Prior to selecting a VIP code on a guest profile, this field must be enabled as a visible field within Field Maintenance.

  1. Select a VIP code in the guest profile.
  2. Choose the 'Save/Exit' icon.  Guest1.png

Viewing VIP Guests

In/Out Movements: The VIP code is displayed as a column on the In/Out Movements screen.


Birthday Anniversary Report: Guests with a VIP code selected will display on the Birthday Anniversary List Report. To access this report, please navigate to Reports > Management > Guests > Birthday Anniversary.  bday.png

Flash Report: Guests with a VIP code selected on their guest profile will be counted in the 'VIP Guests' section of the Flash Report.

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